How to bring awareness to Tourette Syndrome

By leveraging the popularity and positive impact of tennis, we can effectively raise awareness about Tourette syndrome, promote understanding and acceptance, and support those affected by the condition.

How can I help?

Hosting events

Organize tennis tournaments, clinics, and exhibitions specifically aimed at raising awareness about Tourette’s syndrome. These events can include information booths, guest speakers, and demonstrations to educate participants and spectators.

Inclusive programs

Develop and promote tennis programs that include children and adults with Tourette’s. Highlighting their participation can show that individuals with Tourette’s can excel in sports and lead active, fulfilling lives.

Partnerships with organizations

Partner with Tourette’s advocacy groups to co-host events, fundraisers, and awareness campaigns. Collaborations can amplify the message and reach a wider audience.

Social media posts and campaigns

Use social media platforms to share stories, videos, and testimonials from tennis players with Tourette’. This can help humanize the condition and spread awareness to a broader audience.

Educational workshops

Offer workshops for coaches, parents, and players on how to support individuals with Tourette’s. These can include strategies for managing tics during play and fostering an inclusive team environment.

Fundraising matches

Organize charity matches where proceeds go towards Tourette’s
research and support organizations. Publicize these matches to draw attention to the cause and encourage donations.

Incorporating awareness into regular play

Integrate awareness messages and educational moments into regular tennis activities. For example, include information
about Tourette’s during tennis camps or club meetings.

Highlighting role models

Share stories of professional and amateur tennis players who
have Tourette’s. Showcasing their achievements can inspire others and highlight the potential for success despite the condition.

Support Our Mission

There are many ways to support us!


Make a monetary donation to help sponsor a child’s lesson or purchase gear


Spread the word

Donation Disclaimer

If you are interested in donating to Tennis for Tourette’s, first of all, thank you! We are accepting donations through the Tourette Association of America – Texas Chapter website. When donating, please note that the donation is for Tennis for Tourette’s. Thank you!


Raised so far